Intensive Therapy for HSP | Empath in Dallas, Texas


Intensive Therapy Optimized for Better and Faster Results.

Is traditional weekly therapy not working for you?

It’s helpful, but little actually changes.

Each session feels like lawn maintenance: It feels good right after the session when everything is “clean and green,” but the weeds grow back a week later.

By the time you find a stubborn weed, 45 minutes have passed, so you have to “mow over it” lest it get out of control by the following week’s session.

Basically, you spend time in therapy talking about whatever problem you had the week before rather than targeting the root of the problem that keeps perpetuating it!

You wonder how long it would take to feel radical change.

You’re in the right place!

Slight difference in approach; Radically different result

Intensive Therapy FAQ

Intensive therapy can help you…

  • Get unstuck from unwanted thoughts, memories, and feelings FAST

  • Rapidly progress without interruption

  • Save time (your most valuable asset)

  • Save money

  • Seize life opportunities without delay

Intensive Therapy Resolves

Covert Trauma

Symptoms that doesn’t quite have a clear map of origin that may have been dismissed as personality or temperament, such as:

  • Worrying

  • Anger

  • Controlling Behavior

  • General Unhappiness

  • Perfectionism

Overt Trauma

Traumas that are obvious and have already been identified, such as:

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Domestic Violence

  • Childhood Abuse

  • Disasters

  • Bullying

  • Accidents

Intensives with JJ

The A-La-Carte

: One 100 minute rapid trauma clearing

The Foolproof

: Three day comprehensive trauma clearing

Here’s how intensive therapy is more effective and efficient than weekly therapy for trauma:

4 Weeks of Weekly Therapy:

  • 10 mins checking in from previous week

  • 25 mins processing - 40-100% of time addressing current events of the week (aka “COWs”)

  • 10 mins closing / de-escalating

Actual Processing Time:

100 mins - 40% distractions from COWs = 60mins dedicated to eliminating the root cause.



3hrs Intensive Therapy:

  • 0 min checking in

  • 180 mins processing + built-in momentum

  • 0 min closing

Actual Processing Time:

180 mins + built-in momentum = 180min+ dedicated to eliminating the root cause


1 day (3hrs)


  • No need to take time off work, or school, or find childcare every week.

  • Potentially step/reduce the use of symptom-managing medications that haven’t been working.


Intensive therapy can get 3x more done 30x faster

Three months worth of therapy in just. three. days hours.