Relationship Therapy for HSP | Empaths in Dallas
Authentically Seen and Fully Expressed in Relationships
Tired of getting into another cyclical argument / avoidance
Soul starved from not feeling seen or appreciated for who you truly are
Feeling lonely and disconnected despite being physically together
Feeling resentful for having over-extended yourself
Resorting to romance novels and shows to feel the excitement of intimacy
Does this sound familiar?
Neither you nor your partner have likely really met each other.
How I can help
Relationships start to heal when individuals show up as who they truly are rather than as the result of the life circumstances they endured, such as their upbringing, attachment wounds, and social conditioning.
I can help you and your partner excavate your true selves and learn how to communicate in a way that feels fully expressed and seen.
Relationship Therapy sessions are 90 minutes to 3 hours (intensive format) long initially, and once the boulder is out of the way, it tapers to 45-minute integration/follow-up sessions.
The primary method used in Relationship Therapy is the IFIO (Intimacy from the Inside Out), a highly sought-after and effective method that fosters transformative personal and relational change.
Relationship Therapy can help you…
Show up authentically as who you are
Connect with the essence of your partner
Have useful, productive conversations
Resuscitate excitement in intimacy
Promote synergetic growth in health and career