Liberate Who You Are

in your relationships and career

Therapy for HSPs & Creatives in Texas  | Coaching Worldwide

Are you…


What you really think,

How you really feel inside,

Diluting yourself,

So no one questions, no one sees (including you).

Hypervigilant to everyone’s needs, you please,

Making sure you pass, which you often do with flying grades.

Doing (a lot)

Keeping up the speed, like spinning plates in the air,

It’s your responsibility.

Overwhelmed, overstimulated,

Tired but too wired to relax,

You numb with mindless scrolling.


Your head is working 24/7,

But your heart is dull,

As if it hadn’t moved all day…more like decades.

Parched from the disconnect, barely feel a pulse.

This is not the life you worked so hard to have.

Hi, I’m JJ

I help you live as who you are, instead of who you had to become to survive.

A fully expressed life.

A life that is in integrity with yourself.

I do this by liberating you from survival patterns caused by childhood wounds - also known as trauma.

The thing is…traumas are not always obvious.

In fact, the majority are not. They are often hidden and camouflaged, beyond your awareness.

That’s where I come in.

With piercing intuition and gentle guidance, I help your mind swiftly release these invisible traumas in as little as a few hours (or minutes).

Sounds too good to be true?

Hundreds of people I have helped over the past 17 years, including myself, prove it can be done.

It’s also fast, fun, and lasting.

Quite magical.

I’ll show you.

Here’s How We Can Work Together

  • Liberation

    100 minute intensive trauma therapy to liberate yourself from past wounds, unwanted thoughts, and feelings.

  • Integration

    45 minute tune-up and follow-up sessions focused on overall growth and evolution in relationships, career, and personal goals.

  • Creation

    Coaching for highly sensitive people (HSP) and empaths who want to share their creative work with the world through entrepreneurial ventures.


Methods I Use

  • IFS

    Internal Family Systems

  • RRT

    Rapid Resolution Therapy

  • EMDR

    Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing

  • Flash

    Flash Technique

  • Art Therapy

    Expression & Insight

  • Human Design

    Energetic Blueprint



  • No more hiding/masking/pretending

  • Make major aligned career advancements

  • Show up confidently & authentically in front of people YOU like

  • “Bye-bye” to pleasing/overextending/resentful relationships

  • “Hello” to soul-satisfying/energizing relationships & career!

Liberation Awaits

Liberation Awaits

Ready to get started?

Here’s what to expect.

Book: Click the “Get Started” button below to schedule a free 20-minute meeting with me to determine if we are a match.

Meet: In consultation, ask me any questions, and I’ll give you straight answers.

Transform: Get results in a matter of a few hours. Start living with ease + excitement!